Easter Pets

The season is here, and it’s time we make the reminder we hate to have to make. It’s a popular holiday and the furry friends who are the mascots. We’re talking about Easter and all the cute critters associated with it, bunnies, ducklings, and baby chicks. At Acoma Animal Clinic we love all animals and understand just how cute and fun the idea of giving a cuddly friend for Easter is, but that idea has to be tempered with facts.

If you’re considering giving an unconventional pet think about a few things. These aren’t novelties that last the weekend, these are to be new members of the family, and you’ll be caring for them for a long time to come.


Rabbits are absolutely sweet and friendly however they need a large cage, cleaning regularly and daily attention. They don’t make the best pets for young kids as they are fidgety and nervous. If you decide after further research to get one still, remember that they are just as much in need of care as dogs. We recommend keeping them inside. Not only are there predators to be concerned about outdoors but housing your rabbit in a locked hutch outside is more likely to be ignored.


Baby chicks are certainly a poster child for cuteness but what happens when they grow? Do you have the room necessary for a large, messy chicken strutting about? If you live out in the country or have the space that allows for their raising then maybe raising chickens is entirely doable for you, but be honest about the requirements.


Ducklings are right up there with chicks when it comes to levels of adorable, but they need a much more specific space to live and grow. They need water and land to swim and romp about. Not only that, but they need to be kept safe from neighborhood dogs and other predators. They also, as well as chicks, have the potential to carry the salmonella bacteria which is especially dangerous to children.


We don’t want to discourage anyone outright from owning and caring for pets, but we do want to discourage the uninformed ownership of pets, especially like these that will have a difficult time finding adoption when their first owners lose interest.

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