Why is My Cat Acting Weird?

If you notice your cat is acting weird, it is possible to find the reason or reasons why as cats give you clues through their behavior. Although known for their moodiness, cats are primarily seen as affectionate and loving companions. So any sudden and weird changes in your feline friend’s behavior can bring about worrisome and unsettling feelings.  

And, rightfully so.

Three Reasons For a Cat Acting Weird

Once you know the reason, you can then help your sweet little friend find its way back to a happy state. Here are three potential reasons as to why your cat is acting weird.

Stressed Cat

Have you recently moved to a new place or undergone a major life change?  Chances are you are not the only one feeling stressed about it. Your cat might be acting weird because he or she is feeling the stress, too. 

Since cats are sensitive creatures, it is not uncommon for a cat to feed off of his or her owner’s stress. Even the slightest amount of change, in a cat’s environment, can disrupt his or her mood. Too much noise, car rides, seasonal changes and the addition of an animal or human to the family dynamic can all act as causes for heightened stress-levels in your cat.

A couple of symptoms of a stressed cat may include over-grooming or being extra needy. Other signs to look for are a decrease in your cat’s appetite, aggression and withdrawal. These, too, might mean your cat is undergoing stress.

How to Help Your Stressed Cat

You can help your feline friend by creating stress-free environments. Providing your cat with quality food, hiding places and scratching posts are all ways that can help in alleviating stress.

Cat acting weird, cat hiding

Depressed Cat

If you believe your cat is acting weird, there is a chance he or she might be depressed. As humans do, cats also go through episodes of depression. Major changes in the environment, feelings of loneliness or a death can all be reasons a cat may feel depressed.

Signs of a depressed cat can include irritability or hissing, as well as laziness or wanting to be left alone. If your cat is usually affectionate and playful, yet you have noticed he or she has been scratching or ignoring you lately, those might be signs of feline depression.

How to Help Your Depressed Cat

The good news is that you can help your feline friend. Keeping your cat busy with plenty of toys, leaving the blinds up or open when you are gone, and giving him or her plenty of attention, when you can, can all be ways to help ease depression.

Sick Cat

Cats, like many other animals, have learned to hide their illness from prey in order to survive. Unfortunately, this makes it difficult for their owner to know when their feline friend is ill or in physical discomfort. So, a sick cat may not be easy to spot until its symptoms are no longer able to go unnoticed.

One change you might notice in a sick cat is major weight loss or gain. This will often go alongside a decrease or an increase in his or her appetite. So be aware of any major change in your cat’s diet, as this can act as an early indicator for a sick cat.

Also changes in your cat’s bowel movements, such as diarrhea, or changes in his or her urination, such as an inability to urinate, might mean your cat is ill. And if these are accompanied by vomiting, that is a definite sign to call or visit your local vet.

One common illness amongst cats is gum disease, mainly caused by poor oral hygiene. The color of cats’ gums should normally be a deep pink. Any other color might potentially mean your cat either has a gum or tooth problem. Some possible signs of gum disease can be bleeding or red gums, as well as problems with chewing.

How to Help Your Sick Cat

If you notice any of these changes in your cat, the best thing to do would be to consult your vet. Cats might be sick for a variety of reasons from having the flu to having a disease. In any case, a vet will be able to provide you with either medication or further instructions on how to care for your feline friend.


Sometimes your cat’s behavior changes might seem subtle and, at other times, they might seem more drastic or major. Learning to read your feline friend will benefit both yourself and your cat. So, recognizing when your cat is acting weird can help you get the correct help your friend needs either from you or your local vet. Feel free to contact us at the Acoma Animal Clinic, as we are always happy to help.

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