Thanksgiving Safety

While we’re approaching the winter holidays and all the fun that comes with them, we want to remind you to keep your pet’s safety in mind. So, as you’re prepping to have all the folks over for dinner and festivities, keep these tips in mind to ensure your four-legged family stays healthy and safe.


The big one. With all the treats spread throughout the house it is imperative to make sure you know what Fido can and cannot eat.

  • Turkey: Make sure the piece you’re offering is skinless and as easy on fat as possible. The skin (and all its seasonings) and fat can both lead to digestive distress. Also, make sure it is boneless and well-cooked. Bones (of any sort) are a no-go! Any bird bone is brittle, especially after cooking, and will break into many little shards in your pet’s stomach. This can cause wounds in the intestines that may lead to much worse conditions.
  • Sweets: For the same reason as keeping undercooked meat away from your pet, make sure they’re not sticking their nose in the batter for any deserts. The raw eggs may be host to salmonella which can give your friend food poisoning. While the family is stuffing themselves to the point of food coma, you do not want your furry friend retching the night away.
  • Packaging: This one won’t get purposefully fed to your pet, but the remains of the turkey or what have you will entice your pup to root through the garbage looking for treats. Obviously eating plastic, bags, or any other sort of packaging can lead to blocks in the intestines. Dispose of these quickly and secure them away from hungry hounds.

There are plenty more foods/items-mistaken-for-food-by-a-hungry-dog on the no-no list for pets such as chocolates (obviously) and decorations and plants. Keep an eye on your pet and what they’re eating, maybe treat them to a dog-safe feast of their own!

While food is likely the chief concern over the holidays, don’t overlook the other standards steps in pet safety.

  • Tags!: If you’re having family coming and going, there is the sliver of a chance the door doesn’t get closed tight. Always ensure your pet is collared and tagged with current information to increase the likelihood they get brought right back to you.
  • Plan: If you’re the one travelling to visit, make sure you have an arrangement in place for the care of your pet. Whether that be boarding or a pet sitter, have something firmly planned.

With this knowledge on hand, you should be better prepared to keep your pet happy and safe. From all of us here at Acoma, Happy Holidays!

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